13th International Conference in Monte Carlo & Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing
July 1-6, 2018
Rennes, France
The instructions for submitting to the proceedings are available here.
An updated version of the book of abstracts, included cancelled talks, is available at
http://www.irisa.fr/dionysos/pages_perso/tuffin/Program-MCQMC2018 -V1.pdf
Alex Keller’s tutorial slides available here.
The MCQMC Conference is a biennial meeting on Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. It usually attracts 150 to 200 mathematicians, computer scientists, statisticians and researchers in related fields.
- Monte Carlo, quasi-Monte Carlo, Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Digital nets and lattice rules
- Discrepancy theory
- Complexity and tractability of multivariate problems
- Multi-level Monte Carlo
- Sequential Monte Carlo and particle methods
- Rare event simulation
- Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo
- Variance reduction methods
- MC/QMC methods in physics, chemistry, finance, computer graphics and other areas
You can combine MCQMC with the CRISM Summer School on Computational Statistics that will take place the week after our event.
With support from