Call for Submissions:

MCQMC 2018 is planned to feature 8 plenary talks and there is room for about 150 additional talks.
The additional talks are organized in 30 minute time slots, including 5 minutes for questions and speaker turnaround.
Each person may speak at most once at MCQMC 2018 with the exception of invited and tutorial speakers.
You  will be asked to email your proposals to Both PDF and LaTex files (with instructions below) will be required.
You will be asked to submit an abstract of each talk (see the deadlines page). There will be a post-conference submission of papers to the proceedings.

There are two types of submission.

Special sessions/minisymposia:

We invite proposals for minisymposia also called special sessions. These consist of 3 or 4 high quality talks on a closely related theme. The speakers should represent at least two different institutions and preferably more. If you have more than 4 speakers in mind, please split the session into multiple sessions with one organizer each.
The first talk in each session should include some introductory material to provide motivation and background to the audience.
The organizer of a minisymposium should send a proposal to, which should include the names and affiliations of the speakers and describe the session’s topic, due by the date in the web page above. There is a separate, later deadline for the abstracts in a minisymposium.

Contributed talks:

We also invite individuals to propose talks. Individuals’ talks will be grouped into sessions by topic.

In the program there will be no differentiation between contributed and special sessions’ talks.

Proposal Submission instructions:

The authors are kindly asked to download and use the template for abstracts at The template contains two files: Abstract-Main.tex and mcqmc18-abstract-template.tex.
1/ Please rename file mcqmc18-abstract-template.tex with the name of the speaker and adapt the “mcqmc18-abstract-template” in file Abstract-Main.tex accordingly
2/ Do not make any other modification to Abstract-Main.tex
3/ In the file SpeakerName.tex, follow the instructions by inserting the tile, authors’ names, affiliations, and abstract as indicated. If you need to define your own macros, it is required to include your name in their definitions (to ease the compilation of the book of abstracts). If possible, please refrain from using any macros.
4/ Optional: Insert the bibliography as indicated. You can  obtain it using BiBTeX with the bib style plain.bst and the commands \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{MyBiblioFile}. Then import the .bbl file.
5/ If part of a special session or minisymposium, also fill the command \insession or \insymposium and remove the other, or both if not relevant.
6/ Compile  Abstract-Main.tex with LaTeX and Email your proposals to
Please send both the PDF and LaTex files.


Go to the key dates page.