An updated version of the book of abstracts, included cancelled talks, is available at -V1.pdf.
It includes all informations but will be updated before the conference
Belown we provide a general idea of the provisional program.
Sunday, July, 1: tutorials
14h-15h30: Alexander Keller
15h30-16h: coffee break
16h-17h30: Gerardo Rubino
Monday, July, 2
8h20-8h30: Opening
8h30-9h30: Plenary talk, Christophe Andrieu
9h30-10h: Coffee break
10h-12h: Parallel sessions
- Numerical approximation of SDEs under non-standard assumptions (1)
- Non-Reversible Markov Chain Monte Carlo (1)
- Construction of QMC point sets and sequences
- Nuclear applications
- Forward and inverse UQ with hierarchical models (1)
12h-13h45: Lunch break (on your own)
13h45-14h45: Plenary talk, Christoph Schwab
14h45-15h45: Parallel sessions
- Improving MC and QMC integration
- Points on the Sphere and Other Manifolds: New Frontiers and Recent Progress (1)
- Practice of QMC methods (1)
- Feynman-Kac
15h45-16h15: Coffee break
16h15-17h45: Parallel sessions
- Rare event simulation
- Simulation in finance and operation management
- Markov Chain QMC
- MCMC and large size
18h30: Welcome reception (City Hall)
Tuesday, July, 3
8h30-9h30: Plenary talk, Barry Nelson
9h30-10h: Coffee break
10h-12h: Parallel sessions
- Numerical approximation of SDEs under non-standard assumptions (2)
- Non-Reversible Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2)
- QMC and applications
- Algorithms for High-Dimensional Approximation (and Integration) Problems
- Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis in Computational Finance
12h-13h45: Lunch break (on your own)
13h45-14h45: Plenary talk, Pierre Henry Labordère
14h45-15h45: Parallel sessions
15h45-16h15: Coffee break
16h15-17h45: Parallel sessions
18h30: Wine & Cheese (location: Bar L’Aventure)
Wednesday, July, 4
8h30-9h30: Plenary talk, Eric Moulines
9h30-10h: Coffee break
10h-12h: Parallel sessions
12h-13h45: Lunch break (on your own)
13h45-15h45: Parallel sessions
16h: Guided visit of Rennes
19h: Banquet at “Chateau d’Apigné”
Thursday, July, 5
8h25-8h30: Journal of Computing Young Researcher Award 2018
8h30-9h30: Plenary talk, Friedrich Pillichshammer
9h30-10h: Coffee break
10h-12h: Parallel sessions
12h-13h45: Lunch break (on your own)
13h45-14h45: Plenary talk, Clémentine Prieur
14h45-15h45: Parallel sessions
15h45-16h15: Coffee break
16h15-17h45: Parallel sessions
Friday, July, 6
8h30-9h30: Plenary talk, Marvin Nakayama
9h30-10h: Coffee break
10h-12h: Parallel sessions
12h-13h45: Lunch break (on your own)
13h45-15h15: Parallel sessions
15h15: Goodbye coffee
Sessions Description:
Numerical approximation of SDEs under non-standard assumptions (1)
- Larisa Yaroslavtseva: On loss of regularity in the initial value for SDEs with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients
- Diyora Salimova: Numerical approximations of nonlinear stochastic differential equations
- Michaela Szölgyenyi: Euler-type schemes for SDEs with discontinuous drift
- Holger Stroot: Strong Approximation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Nonlinear Holonomic Constraints
Numerical approximation of SDEs under non-standard assumptions (2)
- Mario Hefter: Lower Error Bounds for Strong Approximation of Scalar SDEs with non-Lipschitzian Coefficients. Slides: rennes_talk_hefter
- Mike Giles: Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Ergodic SDEs without Contractivity. Slides: Giles
- Dai Taguchi: Semi-implicit Euler-Maruyama scheme for non-colliding particle systems
- Sotirios Sabanis: MCMC algorithms based on numerical approximations of SDEs with locally Lipschitz coefficients
Non-Reversible Markov Chain Monte Carlo (1)
Joris Bierkens: Reflections on the bouncy particle sampler and Zig-Zag sampler
- Alex Thiery: Discrete-Time Bouncy Particle Samplers and Generalisations
- Alain Durmus: On the convergence of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Arnak Dalalyan: User-friendly guarantees for the Langevin Monte Carlo. Slides: 2018_Dalalyan_MCQMC
Non-Reversible Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2)
- Christian Robert: Generalized Bouncy Particle Sampler. Slides: CoordinateSamplerRobert
- Pierre Monmarché: Geometric ergodicity for the Bouncy Particle Sampler. Slides: mcqmc2018_Monmarche
- Chris Sherlock: Explicit, non-reversible, contour-hugging MCMC moves
- Michela Ottobre: Sampling and irreversibility
Construction of QMC point sets and sequences
- Frances Kuo: Discrete least squares approximation on multivariate polynomial spaces using lattice points
- Kosuke Suzuki: Lattice Rules in Non-periodic Subspaces of Sobolev Spaces
- Ralph Kritzinger: Haar Analysis of Digital Nets and Sequences
- Dirk Nuyens: Lattice rules with random number of points and near $O(n^{-\alpha-1/2})$ convergence
QMC and applications
- Ian Sloan: On the generation of random fields
- Roswitha Hofer: Kronecker–Halton sequences in ${\mathbb F}_p((X^{-1}))$
- Mario Neumueller: Asymptotic Behaviour of the Sudler Product of Sines for Quadratic Irrationals
Stochastic Computation and Complexity (1)
- Thomas Mueller-Gronbach: On the error rate of the Euler for SDEs with piecewise Lipschitz drift coefficient
- Andreas Roessler: Algorithms for the Approximation of Iterated Stochastic Integrals in Infinite Dimensions
- Timo Welti: Deep optimal stopping: Solving high-dimensional optimal stopping problems with deep learning
- Monika Eisenmann: A Randomized Time-Stepping Method for Differential Equations with Time-Irregular Coefficients
Stochastic Computation and Complexity (2)
- Steffen Dereich: Central limit theorems for multilevel stochastic approximation algorithms
- Raphael Kruse: On two quadrature rules for stochastic integrals with fractional Sobolev regularity
- Sonja Cox: Stochastic integration in quasi-Banach spaces: what Besov regularity does the stochastic heat equation posess?. Slides: Cox_UvA_BesovMCQMC2018 kovacs
- Mihaly Kovacz: Weak and strong approximation of fractional order elliptic equations with spatial white noise. Slides:
Stochastic Computation and Complexity (3)
- Alvin Tse: Multilevel Monte Carlo for McKean-Vlasov SDEs
- Martin Redmann: Solving parabolic rough partial differential equations using regression
- Yue Wu: Randomized Numerical Schemes for SDE/SPDEs
- Stefan Heinrich: Lower bounds for stochastic integration in fractional Sobolev classes
Forward and inverse UQ with hierarchical models (1)
- Benjamin Peherstorfer: Multifidelity Monte Carlo estimation with adaptive low-fidelity models
- Ahmed Kebaier: Adaptive Importance Sampling for Multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method
- Sebastian Krumsheid: Multilevel Monte Carlo Approximation of Functions
- Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali: Multilevel Nested Simulation for Efficient Risk Estimation
Forward and inverse UQ with hierarchical models (2)
- Jonas Latz: Multilevel Sequential${}^2$ Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inverse Problems. (+DEMO HERE)
- Hakon Hoel: Multilevel ensemble Kalman filtering for spatio-temporal processes
- Joakim Beck: Hierarchical sampling methods for Bayesian experimental design
- Kody Law: Inference using Multilevel Monte Carlo. Slides: law_pmcmc-mcqmc18
Forward and inverse UQ with hierarchical models (3)
- Matteo Croci: Efficient white noise sampling and coupling for multilevel Monte Carlo. Slides :mcqmc18-Croci
- Lukas Mayer: Multilevel Monte Carlo for the Quadrature of SDEs Based on Random Bits
- Soeren Wolfers: Multilevel weighted least squares polynomial approximation. Slides: mcqmc_wolfers
- Andreas Stein: An adaptive Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm for advection-diffusion PDEs with random discontinuous coefficients
New applications of QMC in physics, energy and environment (1)
- Werner Roemisch: Randomized QMC methods for two-stage stochastic optimization problems: Recent progress
Naser Vosoughi: Neutron Source Localization by Analyzing the Detector responses and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Method
New applications of QMC in physics, energy and environment (2)
- Karl Jansen: Lattice Field Theory: a physics case for high dimensional integration
- Julia Volmer: Improving Monte Carlo integration by symmetrization
Points on the Sphere and Other Manifolds: New Frontiers and Recent Progress (1)
- Johann Brauchart: Overview/Hyperuniformity in the Compact Setting: Deterministic and Random Aspects
- Jordi Marzo: Determinantal Point Processes and Optimality
Points on the Sphere and Other Manifolds: New Frontiers and Recent Progress (2)
- Damir Ferizovic: Bounds for the Green Energy on SO(3)
- Maria De Ujue Etayo: t-Designs on Manifolds: an Asymptotic Bound on the Number of Points
Points on the Sphere and Other Manifolds: New Frontiers and Recent Progress (3)
- Peter D. Dragnev: Universal Bounds on Energy of Codes and Designs in Various Settings
- Tetiana Stepaniuk: Estimates for numerical integration errors on unit spheres of arbitrary dimension
Practice of QMC methods (1)
- Adrian Ebert: Efficient usage and construction of QMC methods. Slides: MCQMC18_Ebert
- Michael_Gnewuch: Probabilistic discrepancy bounds for Latin hypercube sampling with and without padding
Practice of QMC methods (2)
- Yuya Suzuki: Rank-1 lattices and higher-order exponential splitting for the multi-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation
- Ana I. Gomez: Generation of True Random Numbers using quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. Slides: MCMQ_Gomez
Acceleration of MCMC
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods
- Emil Løvbak: Multilevel Monte Carlo for Asymptotic-Preserving Particle Schemes
- Andreas Van Barel: Robust Optimization of PDE Constrained Systems
- Arnaud Lionnet: The Numerical Approximation Of Polynomial-Growth Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
- Marie BILLAUD FRIESS: Stochastic methods for solving partial differential equations in high dimension. Slides: mbfriess
Rare event simulation
- Pierre Nyquist: Rare-event simulation in machine learning: Infinite swapping and restricted Boltzmann machines
- Art Owen: ALOE importance sampler for the union of rare events
- Chang-Han Rhee: Efficient Rare-Event Simulation for Multiple Jump Events in Regularly Varying Random Walks and Compound Poisson Processes
Simulation in finance and operation management
- Jun Luo: Speeding Up Ranking and Selection Procedures for Large Scale Problems Using Cloud Computing
- Guangxin Jiang: Constructing Surface for Derivative Pricing and Sensitivity Analysis
Markov Chain QMC
- Shin Harase : An Implementation of Short-Period Tausworthe Generators for Markov Chain quasi-Monte Carlo Method
- Tobias Schwedes: Adaptive Importance Sampling for Markov Chain Quasi-Monte Carlo
- Rami El Haddad: Sudoku Sampling For Markov Chains Simulation
MCMC and large size
- Paulo Orenstein: Scalable MCMC for Bayes Shrinkage Priors
- James Johndrow: Scaling MCMC to Large Problem Sizes
Algorithms for High-Dimensional Approximation (and Integration) Problems
- Yuhan Ding: An Optimal Automatic Algorithm Employing Continuous Linear Functionals. Slides: MCQMC18Ding
- Aicke Hinrichs: How good is random information? – Approximation in the Hilbert space setting
- Klaus Ritter: Integration and $L_2$-Approximation on Hermite Spaces of Functions of Infinitely-Many Variables
- Henryk Wozniakowski: Tractability of Multivariate Approximation over Weighted Standard Sobolev Spaces. Slides: Wozniakowski
Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis in Computational Finance
- Sergei Kucherenko: Application of QMC and Global Sensitivity Analysis to Option Pricing and Greeks
- Emanouil Atanassov: Sensitivity Analysis of Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for the Heston Model. Slides: Atanassov_MCQMC2018
- Giray Okten: Sensitivity and Robustness of Financial Models. Slides: MCQMC-Okten
- Alexender Kreinin: Sensitivities of Exotic Portfolios
MC in Finance
- Daniel Roth: Monte Carlo pathwise sensitivities for barrier options
- Warren Volk-Makarewicz: Detecting the Presence of Jumps in Option Prices
Design and testing of random number generators
- Sebastiano Vigna: xoshiro/xoroshiro: new families of high-quality, high-speed PRNGs
- Hiroshi Haramoto: Testing the Reliability of Statistical Tests for Pseudorandom Number Generators. Slides: haramoto-mcqmc2018
- Pierre L’Ecuyer: On the Lattice Structure of MIXMAX Random Number Generators. Slides: mixmax-mcqmc18
Computational challenges in finance
- Christian Bayer: Smoothing the payoff for computation of basket options
- Jean-François Chassagneux: Cubature method to solve BSDEs: error expansion and complexity control
- Gilles Pagès: The Parareal Algorithm for American Options. Slides: GilPagesMCQMC18
Rare events
- Jere Koskela: Sequential Monte Carlo for efficient sampling of rare trajectories in reverse time. Slides: koskela_mcqmc18
- Ad Ridder: Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation. Slides: ridder
Approximating Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Krzysztof Latuszynski: Barkerâ??s algorithm for Bayesian inference with intractable likelihoods
- Blazej Miasojedow: On a new approach of the Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm via convex optimization
- Nikolaus Schweizer: Approximation of geometrically ergodic Metropolis-Hastings algorithms
- Matti Vihola: Importance Sampling Type Estimators based on Approximate Marginal MCMC
Importance Splitting for Rare Event Simulation
- Charles-Edouard Brehier: New results concerning Adaptive Multilevel Splitting algorithms
- Gregoire Ferre: Numerical analysis and long time stability of Feynman-Kac dynamics. Slides: pres_MCQMC-Ferre
- Nicolas Champagnat: Convergence of Fleming-Viot particle systems to the mininal quasi-stationary distribution
- Henri Louvin: Application of an importance splitting method to radiation shielding simulations
Dispersion and Applications
- Mario Ullrich: The inverse of the dispersion depends logarithmically on the dimension. Slides: M-Ullrich_Dispersion_MCQMC18
- David Krieg: On the Dispersion of Sparse Grids. Slides: presentation_krieg
- Daniel Rudolf: Recovery algorithms for high-dimensional rank one tensors
- Jan Vybiral: On further aspects of dispersion. Slides: Vybiral_talk
When to stop a simulation
- Fred Hickernell: Fast Adaptive Bayesian Cubature Using Low Discrepancy Sampling
- Robert Kunsch: Solvable Integration Problems and Optimal Sample Size Selection. Slides: Kunsch_Solvable_Integration
- Mark Huber: Improved Light Tailed Sample Averages for Robust Estimation of the Mean
Recent advances in particle filtering
- Mathieu Gerber: Interacting Particles for Online Inference on Static Parameters Using Streaming Data
- Anna Wigren: Improving the particle filter in high dimensions using conjugate artificial process noise. Slides: AnnaWigren_ImprovingHDPF_presentation
- Pierre Del Moral: On the stability and the uniform propagation of chaos properties of ensemble Kalman–Bucy filters. Slides: MCQMC-Rennes-2018-Del-Moral
- Nicolas Chopin: Convergence of resampling algorithms
Nuclear applications
- Bert Mortier: Study of Source Term Estimators in Coupled Finite-Volume/Monte-Carlo Methods for Plasma Edge Simulations in Nuclear Fusion
- Dmitry Savin: Monte Carlo simulation of multiple particle spectra with energy and momentum conservation. Slides: SavinMCQMC2018
- Zhicheng Ji: A Batch on Patch Parallel Scheme in Monte Carlo Particle Transport Program
- Gang Li: High Precision Shielding Calculation For Qinshan-I Reactor Model With Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code JMC
Non-uniform Random Variate Generation (1)
- Josef Leydold: Optimal Importance Sampling Density 1: Approximation Methods. Slides: leydold
- Wolfgang Hormann: Optimal Importance Sampling Density 2: Evaluating CDF and PDF of the Sum of Lognormals. Slides: WolfgangHormannTalkMCQMC2018
- Luca Martino: Parsimonious Adaptive Rejection Sampling Schemes
- Efraim Shmerling: Acceptance Tail Sampling Method. Slides: Shmerling_MCQMC2018
Non-uniform Random Variate Generation (2)
- Moran Peri: A Table Method for Sampling from Multivariate Distrbutions with Unbounded Support
- Yael Hagbi: Generation of Waiting Time in a Markovian Trial Sequence
Low discrepancy sequences and point sets – devoted to the 80th birthday of Henri Faure (1)
- Christiane Lemieux: Counting Points in Boxes with Henri Faure: From Discrepancy Bounds to Dependence Structures. Slides: mcqmc18Lemieux
- Peter Kritzer: Discrepancy Bounds for Nets and Sequences. Slides: Talk_Kritzer
- Takashi Goda: Quasi-Monte Carlo integration over a triangle. Slides: Goda_MCQMC2018
- Florian Pausinger: On the intriguing search for good permutations
Low discrepancy sequences and point sets – devoted to the 80th birthday of Henri Faure (2)
- Gerhard Larcher: On discrepancy and pair correlation of sequences in the unit interval. Slides: Rennes_Larcher
- Josef Dick: Richardson Extrapolation of Polynomial Lattice Rules. Slides: Dick_MCQM18v2
Simulation of mean-field stochastic differential equations
- Mireille Bossy: Particle algorithm for McKean SDE: rate of convergence for some non-smooth drift interaction kernel
- Denis Belomestny: Variance reduction for mean-field stochastic differential equations
- Lukasz Szpruch: Weak error expansion for mean-field SDEs
- Alexandre Zhou: Numerical Analysis of a Particle Calibration Procedure for Local and Stochastic Volatility Models. Slides: MCQMC_AlexandreZHOU
Analysis of low-discrepancy sequences
- Lisa Kaltenböck: On Bounded Remainder Sets for Sequences $(\{a_n\alpha\})_{n\geq 1}$ with $(a_n)_{n \geq 1}$ a Lacunary Integer Sequence. Slides: Kaltenbo?ck
- Hiroki Kajiura: Characterization of Matrices B such that (I,B,B^2) Generates a Digital Net with t-value Zero
- Raffaelo Seri : The Asymptotic Distribution of Riesz’ Energy
Jittered sampling
- Benjamin Doerr: A Sharp Discrepancy Bound for Jittered Sampling
- Matasake Hirao: On p-frame potential of random point configurations on the sphere. Slides: hirao_mcqmc2018
Improving MC and QMC integration
- Florian Puchhammer: Density estimation by randomized quasi-Monte Carlo. Slides: puchhammer_density_estimation_RQMC
- Yuji Nakatsukasa: Variance reduction in Monte Carlo integration via function approximation
Variance reduction/estimator efficiency/rare-event probability
- Nadhir Ben Rached: Variance Reduction Techniques for the Accurate Computation of the Distribution of the sum of Ordered Random Variables
- Guo-Jhen Wu: Infinite swapping using iid samples. Slides: MCQMCTalkWU
- Thomas Taimre: Exploiting Asymptotics and Polar Coordinates for Rare Tail Estimation
- Fan Zhang: Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization via Optimal Transport: Algorithms and Applications
Efficient Sampling
- Benjamin Jourdain: Sampling of probability measures in the convex order and approximation of Martingale Optimal Transport problems. Slides: jourdainmcqmc18
- Daniele Bigoni: Adaptive Construction of Transport Maps for Efficient Sampling
- Andrés F. López-Lopera: Efficiently approximating Gaussian Process Emulators with Inequality Constraints using MC/MCMC
Stochastic Differential Equations
- Przemyslaw Zielinski: Micro-macro acceleration method with relative entropy moment matching for scale-separated SDEs
- Andreas Petersson: Rapid covariance based sampling of finite element approximations of linear SPDE in MLMC. Slides: petersson_andreas_mcqmc
Sequential methods and efficiency
- Andrea Arnold: Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Time-Varying Parameter Estimation
- Chris Drovandi: New Insights into History Matching via Sequential Monte Carlo
- Victor Elvira: Rethinking the Effective Sample Size in Importance Sampling
Monte Carlo in physics (1)
- Matthias Baeten: Convergence Analysis of a Coupled Monte-Carlo/Pseudo-Timestepping Scheme Arising in Plasma Edge Simulation
- DanHua ShangGuan: Efficient Strategy for Global Tallying in the Monte Carlo Criticality Calculation
- Natalya Tracheva: Monte Carlo method projective estimators for angular and temporal characteristics evaluation of polarized radiation. Slides: mcqmc2018_Tracheva_NV
Monte Carlo in physics (2)
- Anna Korda: Monte-Carlo methods for reconstructing the aerosol scattering matrix
- Mariya Korotchenko: Some Applications of Dynamics Simulation for Multi-Particle Systems in the Kinetic Model Framework
o MCQMC in Computer Graphics
- Nikolaus Binder: Fragmented Radix Trees for Efficient Sampling of Discrete Probability Distributions
- Christophe Hery: On the Usage of Control Variates for Monte Carlo Direct Illumination in Movie Rendering
- Wenzel Jacob: Reversible Jump Metropolis Light Transport using Inverse Mappings
Monte Carlo for rare events
- Javiera Barrera: Sharp Bounds for the Reliability of a k-out-of-n System Under Dependent Failures Using Cutoff Phenomenon Techniques
- Gerardo Rubino: The Multi-Level Creation Process in Flow Network Reliability Estimation
- Hector Cancela: Studying Metabolic Networks Through Monte Carlo Simulations. Slides: MCQMC2018-Cancela
- Ajit Rai: Availability Estimation of Markovian Reliability Systems with Logistics via Cross-Entropy
QMC and quadrature strategies for integration
- Pieterjan Robbe: A Multigrid Multilevel Quasi-Monte Carlo Method with Sample Reuse. Slides: Robbe
- Lutz Kammerer Combining Multiple Rank-1 Lattice Rules for Approximation
- Mutsuo Saito: Experimental Comparison of Higher-Order Digital Nets for QMC
- Matthias Sachs: Quadrature Points via Heat Kernel Repulsion
MCMC : Model selection and convergence
- Faming Liang: Average (E)BIC-like Criteria for Bayesian Model Selection
- Georgy Sofronov: Spatial Segmentation via the Generalized Gibbs Sampler
- Dootika Vats: MCMC for Bayesian penalized regression
- Marie Vialaret: On the convergence time of some non-reversible Markov chain Monte-Carlo methods. Slides: Vialaret
Handling Discontinuities in QMC with Applications to Computational Finance
SDE, solutions and convergence rate
- Abir Ghannoum : Mean Reflected Stochastic Differential Equations with jumps : Simulation by using Particle System. Slides: MCQMC_Ghannoum_Abir
- Flavius Guias: High precision solvers for autonomous systems of differential equations based on Markov jump processes. Slides: slides_Guias
- Céline Labart : Approximation rate of BSDEs using random walk. Slides: Labart
Applications of MC
- Lingbin Bian: Network structure change point detection by posterior predictive discrepancy
- Julien Roussel: A Perturbative Approach to Control Variates in Molecular Dynamics
- Chi-Ok Hwang: Laplace Surface Green’s Function on a Spherical Surface for Last-passage Monte Carlo Methods. Slides: LastPassage_Hwang